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Still not sure? Here’s some more info about my transformational program…

My MasteryMembership Riding Foundation Program offers it all. It is a roadmap specifically designed to guide you and your horse as you develop the relationship
and ride of your dreams together.

It is transformational by design, developing you and your horse thoughtfully, holistically and with love and leadership. It achieves this by teaching you how to work from the inside out and guides you every step of the way so you and your horse can achieve consensual partnership in everything you do together.

The program works for all horses because it understands the essential needs of horses
and what they need to thrive, self-regulate and feel motivated
to be with you and work with you.

The program is designed to integrate many things at once and works naturally, organically, providing you with the necessary education, skills and understanding needed to works through challenges and progress easily and in harmony with your horse.

The education you will receive is parallel to none. In addition to the curriculums educational design, Caroline brings a lifetime of study and mastery skills to each lesson. 

The curriculum is multi-faceted and comprehensive, and designed to meet you and your horse where you are and take you to the next level of education, skills, and refinement.

Whether your horse needs to be started or restarted, my program is designed to do both, teaching you the principles, skills, and strategies needed to resolve any challenge while developing your horse’s potential.

With a concentration in Classical and Evidence-based Horsemanship, Taoism, and Tai Chi, the curriculum provides the wisdom and foundational principles of time-tested traditions and a holistic approach to development.

The program offers a full curriculum that includes 12 courses with hundreds of video and written lessons.

Whether you are learning how to start your horse's education, re-build your horse's confidence,
or refine your aids, connection and communication, the level of instruction,
and problem-solving lessons are parallel to none, offering mastery education,
guidance and refinement.

Each lesson is carefully designed to guide you and your horse as you learn how to connect and communicate, understand one another, problem solve, master your horsemanship skills and most of all work together as one, in mind, movement and heart-connection.

During this journey, you will be learning how to develop a disciplined, connected, balanced and happy riding horse without force, dominance, or excessive pressure or aids. You will be creating a safe, confident partnership and one where you will feel safe enough to ride bitless, bridle-less and with a bareback pad.

Learning to ride bareback and in balance is part of the journey in my program.
Nothing happens quickly here either as you are taught to go slow and develop slowly.
This is how you develop a connected partnership and safe and solid riding foundation.

The lessons dive deep, teaching you everything you need to know about your horse - how to read them, understand them, connect, and communicate with them. This is how you learn how to work through anything with your horse, with love, leadership, trust, and confidence. This is also the secret to being safe in everything you do with your horse.

The lessons begin by teaching you the power of working with intention, energy, and movement. You learn how to slow down, attune, tune in, and connect with your horse and in a way that speaks the language of Equus. This is also about heart-connection and the beginning of learning how to think, feel and ride as one.

You will then take the energy work, connection, and ability to communicate clearly with your horse into the technical exercises and mechanics. Without this foundation, the work is meaningless, robotic, and conditioned.

There are two amazing benefits to learning how to use energy, and how to work with energy.
For one it teaches you how to help your horse regulate its emotions and nervous system.
This is the science behind my work and why it works 100%.

Secondly, working with energy is how you learn to embody movement and ride the m

If your horse has trauma, or if you have trauma, the program will teach you how to release it and recover from it. The proof lies in the proven research, exercises, and Facebook members who post daily of their amazing journey and results with their horses.

It works like this. When a horse (and human) is reactive, defensive, fearful, or fighting, they are trapped in their sympathetic state. The sympathetic state (nervous system) controls our survival instincts of freeze, flight, and fight.

My energy work, combined with specific exercises, is designed to change this so that the horse will learn to re-regulate their nervous system so that they engage in the parasympathetic state (nervous system) which is in control of relaxation, feeling good, calm and connected. 


There are no holes in my foundation training either and when you have challenges, you have tons of support through problem solving courses, recorded Q&A webinars, private Facebook community, strategy lessons, Q&A forums, study guides and coaching calls.

The program works for starts and re-starts and that's because it shares one very important element to training - developing the foundation of connection and well-being. Without this, no one trusts, and no one feels safe enough to learn.

It not only builds you and your horse, but it is also designed to re-build you both, giving you a fresh new start to feeling and being whole, happy and in true partnership.

You can’t learn everything you need to know in an 8-week or 12-week course. Developing horses fully and creating a solid and safe ground and riding foundation takes time and this program is designed to walk you through, every step of the way, no matter how long it takes.

While most courses teach you only bits and pieces, quick fixes and tips, my system develops the "whole" horse, returning horses to wholeness and well-being from the inside out, and includes ground to riding, starting and re-starting, rehab to recovery, novice to pro. 

As I’ve mentioned, the step-by-step curriculum offered in my program is designed to carefully guide you as you learn the many areas needed to develop a solid, safe and connected ground and riding foundation.

The first course is all about you and designed to teach you how to understand your horse while developing the depth of connection, relationship and communication needed for you to learn together, work together and become true partners in everything you do together.

After you've spent time in the first course, learning how to develop the depth of relationship and connection, you are guided into the next course where we take what you've learned and apply it to the ground work, liberty, lunging for self-carriage and riding.

The riding lessons cover all the areas I believe are important to both horse and rider including from the masters of classical horsemanship.

I carefully prepare you and your horse each step of the way, completing all the proper preparation needed to teach you the level of connection and safety needed to ride as one with your horse in balance, confidence, bitless and bareback.

The program includes many bonuses with the most special being our private Facebook group and recorded/archived weekly webinars. Women from all over the world have joined and share their journey with all of us. The weekly webinars are included in course 12 (there are 12 courses) allowing you access to the Q&A anytime.

Trust me, you will want to carve out time for each and every one as they are jammed-pack full of my very personal experiences, group sharing and insights into spiritual realms and practices that most can only dream of experiencing. This is what the program offers, a chance to learn and live the relationship and ride of your dreams with your horse.

Because the program is self-study and self-paced, it should take the average horse owner (1-3 horses), 2 years to complete well. Like the great masters in horsemanship knew well, from the Dorrance brothers to Nuno Olivera, foundations take time and shortcuts lead to holes, frustration and despair.

Please click here for an outline of the Tao Training System.

Want More Information?

Schedule a FREE call with Caroline, the founder and creator of the Mastery Riding Foundation, to discuss how
her amazing program can work for you and your horse!

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