Re-training that Restores Trust & Confidence While Creating a Solid Foundation in Your Horse
Re-Training the Younger Horse
About the Course
This course includes three young horses, from weanling to three years of age. All are green and “un-broke” and needing direction, relationship, and most of all time, consistency and education.
Watch as Caroline takes each one through the same educational process, turning challenges into success stories and building on their foundation - one day at a time.
While the course shows you how Caroline deals with negative behaviors, it also shows you how she handles each youngster with love and leadership – one of the most challenging aspects to training and developing a well-adjusted, confident horse.
Too often young horses are started without any education meaning they are not prepared to learn, nor are they given the opportunity to learn. Instead they are rushed, pushed too fast and most of all left confused. This produces a lack of confidence in the young horse creating an over-reactive, spooky, dull, or even dangerous youngster.
This is where this course is different. Instead of random training videos dealing with different training challenges this course gives you a plethora of education and building blocks, providing you with specific exercises designed to develop a safe and solid ground and riding foundation.
While this course is not about riding, it is all about developing the foundation for riding. We begin on the ground first, establishing both the relationship and response needed to develop our young horse’s confidence and positive learning attitude. We then learn how to further shape and “test” the level or trust and cooperation needed to be safe on the ground, at the mounting block and under saddle – for the first few rides.
While this course is about starting young horses, it also applicable for any horse
especially re-starting horses in general.
What’s Included
Suzie is a sweet, easy going natured horse who has a low sensitivity level, meaning she is not very reactive or responsive. She is also very shy and more timid, passive than most. I would rate her “spirit level” low.
You get to watch how reactive Suzie is to certain handling and especially in the round pen. Caroline explains that this is not who she is, her nature, rather her nurture or learned behaviors from bad handling and round penning techniques.
Watch how Caroline completely transforms this young filly, from reactive and fearful to calm and confident.

2-Year Old Thoroughbred Filly
Baby Blue
1-Year Old
Thoroughbred Gelding
​Blue is a sweet, easy going natured horse who has a high sensitivity level, meaning he is quick to respond and can become very reactive. Blue is also very gregarious, playful, and outgoing. I would rate his “spirit level” high.
With this young gelding, you get to watch the many “ups and downs” or “highs and lows” of Blue’s education, training, and learning during his first year with Caroline.
Caroline shows you the many innovative and progressive ways to raise a young horse, especially an extremely sensitive, gregarious, and playful young gelding. Watch as she carefully and lovingly guides him each step of the way through love and leadership.

Baby Blue
1-Year Old
Thoroughbred Gelding

This course is all about learning how to read horses and understand why they do what they do. It dives into the extraordinarily complex natures of horses and the nurture – their learned behaviors.
Extra Bonuses! Included
FREE When You Join!
Horses Course

Zep is the “middle of the road” horse when it comes to both sensitivity and intelligence. He is smart, yet not too smart and easy going but not too easy going. He would be the preferred horse as his “spirit level” would be in the middle.
This young gelding, and his owner, spend 5-days with Caroline at her facility. Watch as she teaches Zep’s owner how to read, understand and handle a young, untrained, and unfocused mind while introducing Zep to training for the first time.
3-Year Old
Freisian Gelding

Pressure & Release
Videos; Part I & Part II
Pressure & Release
Videos; Part I & Part II
Pressure & Release
Videos; Part I & Part II
Pressure & Release
Videos; Part I & Part II
​These two videos are lengthy and very educational. Each one discusses the all-too common practices of pressure and release tactics; aka desensitizing and debunks the popular teachings of this technique. They not only explain why these techniques are so misunderstood and abused in horse training, they explain how to use them correctly when wanting to help a horse become a trusting and confident learner.

Pressure & Release
Videos; Part I & Part II
This DVD is about another young horse named Gracie and shows you specific ground exercises designed to develop any young horse into a connected, trusting, confident and safe horse - both on the ground and while riding.
Starting Young
Horse DVD: Preparing
for the First Ride

How This Course Works
24/7 Access
You not only have lifetime access to the course, you also have 24/7, 365 days a year access.
This means you can study when you have time and anytime. You can review the lessons and practice as often as you need.
Ongoing Support
As a premium course, the open forum offers you both a community of like-mind - where you can share your experiences with others just like you, and it offers you the opportunity to ask Caroline questions.
Questions are personally answered by Caroline and on a weekly basis.
Learn at Your Own Pace
In addition to lifetime access, you can study when you have time and anytime.
This gives you the opportunity to review the lessons and practice as often as you need.
You too can become what your horse needs and develop the beste relationship and foundation for you and your young horse!
Investing in an online course is worth its weight in gold. Not only is the online course less than the price of monthly lessons or a clinic, your online investment will never expire.
Your lifetime access will allow you to continue learning and progressing gradually and proficiently – more than any one-on-one instructional lesson could offer. And, for less than the price of monthly lessons or a clinic, you will receive all the necessary training needed to start you and your young horse off right.
With your lifetime access you will be able to review the lessons as many times as you need while receiving ongoing support.
In addition, you will receive bonus materials, online community, and support. And don’t forget, you can access the materials as often as you need!
I would love to have you join me in my Starting the Young Horse Training Course!
Select a payment option below and you can get started right away!
Join Students from Around the Globe
“Now I understand my young horse…”
“Just what I’ve been searching for and needing when starting/re-starting my young horse! This course has taught me so much about the young mind, their emotions and movement. I especially needed to learn what I can expect at certain ages as far as learning and retention. I also love how much time you take explaining things, breaking them down, demonstrating and teaching. You have so much love and understanding for the horse – and it shows. The young horses love you! When I see your older horses, I know why they are as safe, loving and connected when you ride. It is because you took the time to help them learn, work through challenges and fell confident about themselves. This is what horse training is all about and should be all about. Me and my horses thank you!” – with love from Brazil, Maria
Maria from Brazil
Maggie from Colorado
“Just what I've been searching for…”
“I am absolutely LOVING this course. It has taught me so much about my horse and how to work with her, not against her. Everything I have seen you do, every lesson you have taught has all been exactly what I need. I am learning so much!” –Maggie, CO
Lisa from Missouri
“So much valuable information…”
“LOVE this course! Incredibly great information, so much to learn with so many layers of information, education and insight. My horses and me thank you😊” – Lisa, MO
Kellie from Nebraska
“Now I have the skills to handle challenges…”
“Hi Caroline, thank you for sharing your method. It is truly a gift to all horse owners. I look forward to using them on my new mare that I purchased in November. While she is not a young horse she came with issues and I trust your work and you so I am restarting her using your Starting Young Horse Course. I tried the grounding and joining exercise you mentioned in this video in her stall. It was a rainy week and I could not lunge or work her. Soo, we worked on grounding and tuning in and relationship building. The grounding works like magic. Wow! I’ve also had great success using your lunge strategies. She used to panic when free lunged and run and now she is engaging in a nice, calm and stretchy walk. Because of your teachings, every time I arrive to the barn my mare nickers with excitement and will leave her hay to be with me. Thank you so much and I look forward to developing my mare to her fullest potential using your method!” – Kellie, NE