The TOHA Holistic Horsemanship Training System | Tao of Horsemanship
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The Way to All Things Possible with Horses


The Tao of Horsemanship training system is designed to teach you how to develop you and your horse together and
on a holistic level where the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical merge an d unify.


Unlike most training, where the person is taught to train only the horse, the Tao system focuses on you both,
teaching you everything you need to develop together and in true, and consensual partnership.


I'm now going to explain how the training system is going to positively change your life, your relationship, and your
horsemanship, and supersede your wildest expectations and goals!


As a practicing Taoist I have discovered an amazing way of Being and working (doing) with horses that has surpassed
my wildest dreams, and this includes my horsemanship goals. I am a certified Working Equitation instructor and
trainer who has developed thousands of horses, from start to finish, using my methodology, and without stress, pain,
dominance or submission. This includes bitless and in a bareback pad.


Over the years, I’ve taught thousands of students and their horses how to achieve the relationship and ride of their
dreams with their horse using my training system and method.


My method includes all aspects of horse-human development beginning from the inside out, ground to riding, start
to finish, rehab to recovery, novice to pro. That’s right, it covers it all and doesn’t matter where you and your horse
are in your learning journey. The training system is so thorough and inclusive, it is designed to take any horse and
human and develop their potential together and naturally.


Let me explain how.

It begins with three core pillars, Taoism, holism, and skill. When combined they develop the level of horsemanship
needed to develop horses thoroughly, compassionately and with ease.


There are three core principles that are applied to every lesson, technique and problem solving strategy too, they are
relationship, regulation and flow. We need relationship to bind the heart, the desire to be and work with us. We need
regulation to develop the horse’s from the inside out and flow is our goal, where we want to be with our horses, in
effortless flow.


When you apply all three pillars and use all three principles, you will successfully achieve both your horsemanship
goals and horse’s development without sacrificing or compromising you or your horse’s needs, values, and spirit.


Being a practicing Taoist teaches me how to find and live in harmony, be in balance with all things. When we are in
balance, we are present, content and at ease. We feel great and in return this karmic energy creates like energy, and
like a magnet, it aligns with others creating deeply fulfilling connections and feelings of ease and well-being (flow).


I refer to this as Nirvana. In Buddhism, Nirvana is the most popular word. It is known as enlightenment. Buddhism
teaches four stages of Nirvana. Those who achieve nirvana join God and merge their atman (pure self) in perfect
communion with divine life. In this state, there is no ego or desire, and the atman is free from any kind of earthly
manifestation, for it is one with eternal peace and perfection, also known as the state of yoga.


The Yogis have a similar path to enlightenment called Karma Yoga. Karma yoga is the spiritual practice of ''selfless
action performed for the benefit of others''
. Karma yoga is a path to reach moksha (spiritual liberation) through work.


Karma Yoga is about purifying the heart and counteracting egoism. It involves the dedication of all work as an
offering, with no thought of personal reward. From this rule follows the four guiding principles: Right Attitude, Right
Motive, Give up Result, and Serve the Self in All.


All of this relates to my life and my horsemanship. Think of our personal struggles and then think about how we
struggle with our horses. Do you see the similarities? And do you see how these philosophies can help us and our
horses return to our true nature, spirit, and thrive?


They are the cornerstone to my method and are incorporated throughout my training system, the
MasteryMembership Relationship, Ground and Riding Foundation Program.


These philosophies will become the principles that guide you and help you understand who your horse needs you to
be when you interact and work with your horse.


One of the first, and most defining principles, you will learn will be about mindset.


A few examples of mindset are thinking we can fix our horses problems through training alone. Training alone doesn't
fix your horse. This mindset has become the number one reason why so many of our conventional training methods,
including natural horsemanship, have messed up and even ruined many of our horses.


Training combined with a holistic approach is what fixes your horse. When we can meet the horse where they are
and learn how to help them grow, progress, and learn, we are developing them. This is not training. Like children,
horses need to be allowed to mature and develop and through the guidance of our mentorship. This is a process that
includes various stages of training.


This is how we mess up so many horses. We begin their training too young, too fast and without a system that
properly teaches the trainer how to educate the horse. Like any learning, there are stages to learning that mirror the
horse (and child’s) maturity level, ability to cognitively process what they are being taught.


The next and equally important aspects to developing, and training, horses is working a horse in their
parasympathetic nervous system of calm, rest, and digest. This means a horse will not learn if they are not in an
open, confident learning state of mind. Period.


An example is stress. If you, or a horse, is stressed, we cannot learn. Instead, we can only operate in our sympathetic
nervous system of self-preservation. There is no thinking going on during this state, only survival. This is how most horses get messed up, ruined, at early ages thus carry that trauma into their adulthood, creating many of the
displaced behaviors, coping mechanisms that end up making them difficult to handle, train, and ride.


Let's now talk about how training works for horses when we add a holistic approach.


Like us, horses need to feel connected in deep and mutually rewarding relationships to fully develop socially,
emotionally, and cognitively.


When we add holism to our horsemanship, we are creating the emotional, mental, and physical space for our horses
to feel safe enough to trust us, feel confident as learners and continue to develop fully in training.


Spiritual practices such as Taoism are what help to guide us as we embark on this holistic journey towards self-
development and horsemanship.


Like Buddhism and Hinduism (Yogi/Yoga) Taoism offers a spiritual practice or path to enlightenment. Taoists believe
that nature, not people, control the universe and emphasize how living in harmony with all things (finding that flow)
is how we achieve this state of Nirvana.


The important Taoist principles are inaction (Wu Wei), simplicity and living in harmony with nature. The Taoist
philosophical principle also includes a belief in the law of unity of the two opposite forces: yin and yang (duality).


Wu Wei is a key element throughout your learning. I call it the ''path of least resistance'' in my work and throughout
your program. My training system reminds you to be mindful of Wu-Wei every time you interact with your horse.


Wu-Wei is “acting without forcing, moving in accordance with the flow of natures course” (Chen, 2002, p. 52), is an
important Chinese philosophical stance that relates to human experience and performance.


An example of Wu-Wei is struggling with our horse. Why do we struggle? Is it our horse's fault, our fault, what is the
reason or cause of this struggle. Is it because they are lazy, overreacting, being bratty, disobedient, fearful, triggered?


No, they are none of those things. Let's explore why they aren't and how we can take the path of least resistance, the
Wu-Wei, and make the change our horses need to want to change.


As the late and great Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote, ''If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at
 The essence of this message is the power of perspective. Our leadership challenges and unwanted
behaviors of our horse are often a product of how we see things and the “story” or “meaning” we make about what
we see.


Dr. Dyer was a student of the Tao. I highly recommend reading his book: Change Your Thoughts - change Your Life:
Living the Wisdom of the Tao.
 His book will help you better understand my teachings, and how to use the program
correctly so you and your horse learn how to be one, move as one, ride as one - in heart, thought and body.


This is why the program begins with you first. We must be the change we want to see in the world. If we want our
horse's unwanted behavior to stop, stopping them from behaving a certain way isn't the solution. Changing how we
see the behavior and offering our horses the opportunity to choose a better experience is what will change the
behavior. When our horses make the connection to the positive experience, they will choose that experience. It is our
responsibility to show them the way. My training system is designed to do just that. It is your roadmap.


It begins with teaching you how to develop yourself so you can be the level of leader (conscious leadership) your
horse needs to want to follow. This is the ''holy grail'' of horsemanship. It's about feeling of and for your horse and
developing the timing, which is all about being present and in the moment.


Let's revisit the Wu-Wei principle again and align it with our mindset and our interactions with our horses so we
can make the connection to our horsemanship.


When we allow our horses to show us how they feel in our presence, and in the work we ask them to do, we not only
give them a voice, we in turn show them how much we care. In the end, horses don’t care how much you know. They
only care about how much you care.


This is possible because our emotions, feelings, are communicated through a deep energetic connection that is felt
within our nervous system. This is true for both horses and humans and this is the science that supports the magic
of the work you are about to experience.


When we express love and compassion, we release the “feel good” hormone called endorphin throughout our
nervous system. Our horses feel this calm and soothing energy from us which in turn connects to their nervous
system, aiding in their ability to release the same hormone.


It’s a reciprocal effect and if it doesn’t work right away, trust the process, and keep practicing until it does.


If you don’t believe me, reflect on your relationship with your horse, from haltering to leading, grooming to tacking,
working on the ground to riding and ask yourself, is it effortless, easy, safe, happy, and progressing for you both?


If it’s not, I guarantee that shifting your mindset, combined with the engagement of your heart chakra, will instantly
change the interaction between you and your horse from disconnected to connected, and connected in heart,
thought and body (nervous system).


So, there it all is in a nutshell! That’s how powerful this is and why it can and does work for everyone and every horse.
While this is the simplicity of the work you are about to learn, I understand it's not easy. And that is why I created my
training system. You not only have my principles to guide you, but you also have a step-by-step program to teach you
the many layers and nuances of the method of becoming one with horses in heart, thought and movement.


The Tao of Horsemanship training system encompasses all of this and so much more. It is an approach, a mindset,
and way of being and interacting with our horses that creates deep and fulfilling relationships, harmony, consensual
partnership and connected, safe riding.


Working with a horse in this way is what motivates them to seek you out and want to be and work with you. This
level of interaction is what creates the deepest bonds and working partnership, both on the ground and under


Taoism has been such a huge and positive influence in both my personal life and my
horsemanship. I can’t think of a better way to be and work with horses. That’s why I am
sharing all I know with you so you too can enjoy the same level of connection, relationship,
consensual partnership, and riding as you see between me and my horses.


When I was young, I showed horses and didn’t like it. I was deeply bothered by the harsh training horses experienced
before, during and after the show. I was also blessed to be surrounded by gentle methods, the first being my dad. He
was a natural with all animals. They gravitated towards his soft and present manner. What I learned from watching
him interact with horses has greatly influenced me to this day.


My childhood fostered my mindset and gave me opportunities to interact with animals and it was those experiences
that have helped to shape who I am today. It was during my teens when I discovered Eastern philosophy and became a practicing Taoist. This practice changed my life completely and opened Pandora’s box of all possibilities with


Before natural horsemanship became a brand name and horse trainers were teaching liberty and bridle-less riding, I
was doing liberty and bridle-less riding with my backyard horse Brandy. I was a kid back then and my inspiration was
my relationship with Brandy and my desire to have that magical connection Alec Ramsey had with his Arabian horse,
the Black Stallion.


I never taught Brandy tricks. What we had was earned naturally like Alec and the Black. Brandy would lie down with
me when I asked, walk, and run freely with me and carry me on his back without any tack through hundreds of acres
of hay fields. These experiences are now part of my teachings and what you will be learning.


When I got back into horses later in life, I had a plan, a course of action. I wanted to take what I learned from my
experiences with Brandy, and my years studying with some of the most influential trainers of our time and create a
training system that worked for the horse. I wanted everyone to feel the magic with their horse and learn how to
take that magic relationship into every aspect of their learning and development together – without feeling like they
had to compromise their relationship or their horse's spirit


I studied, practiced, and developed my abilities in just about every discipline and eventually became a Working
Equitation certified instructor. Click here to learn all about WE USA


I was so impressed with the level of classical horsemanship, foundational principles and versatility training taught in
WE. I included many of the training and principles in your program. When taught correctly, classical training works for
the horse, and benefits all disciplines, and in so many ways. Having a well-rounded and thorough education is key to
building a solid, strong, and safe riding foundation too. That is why it is included in my training system and your
Mastery Riding Program. 


In addition to learning the magic of connecting and communicating with horses, you will
learn everything I know when it comes to developing horses from the inside out, ground to
riding, start to finish, rehab to recovery, novice to pro.
It doesn’t matter who you are, what discipline you ride, your experience or your horse’s age. The system works for
every horse and person and has so much to offer on so many levels.
Whether you need to start, rehabilitate, or advance your horse, the Tao training system will show you how to begin
and take you all the way through, as far as you want to go.
To begin with, you will learn the foundation that will develop you and your horse so you can do anything, anywhere,
Foundation training is the key here and important if you want to do great things with horses. That means there are
no quick fixes, there is no one video, technique, or solution. Instead, you learn as many tools (skills, techniques,
approaches, and ways of doing) as you can fit in your toolbox, so you know what to do when x, y or z happens.
The next great thing about foundation is it sets you for life, meaning once the foundation is in place, there is no re-
working, struggling, figuring out, or staying stuck. A correct and solid foundation means you are set for life, and
should you need to stop for a few months or years, like I've done, you can pick up where you left off
Remember, foundation means forever.
Next great thing about foundation is it prepares you for advanced work. My training system does just that and sets
you and your horse up for basic to advanced liberty, lunging, riding bitless, bridle-less, bareback, balanced and
collected. The curriculum is designed so that you can review, test, progress and refine, all the way to second level
The foundation also develops you and your horse for versatility training where you are set up mentally, emotionally,
and physically for any type of discipline, whether it’s liberty, classical dressage, flat work, hunter, reining, obstacle
and trail course.
You’re probably asking yourself, how can one training system do all of this?
It is made possible by developing you first. This means the system is designed to develop you, so you can become
what your horse needs and wants in a relationship, friendship and working partnership. In the end, everything begins
and ends with you. You have the power and if you learn how to use it correctly you will be consciously aware of how
you affect your horse's desire to be with you and work with you.
Second, you learn how to develop the relationship needed for deep and meaningful connection and two-way
communication with your horse. For this new way of training to work, 
relationships must come before
. Relationships are what motivate horses and create happy, loving, and positive learning experiences.
Third, the levels of education found within the Tao of Horsemanship training system are so comprehensive, they
offer levels upon levels of learning within each lesson. Through Caroline’s expert knowledge of the horse and
horsemanship she has created a training system that is applicable to all equestrians and horses and on every level.
Fourth, the training curriculum is universal, progressive, holistic, well-rounded, classically principled, and evidence
based. Caroline’s experience and teachings pull together the best of the best and show you how to develop your
horsemanship to its fullest while developing your horse potential as a friend, partner, and athlete (performer).
When woven together the modalities create the elements needed to develop horses and people to their fullest
potential easily, and harmoniously, from the inside out, ground to riding, start to finish, rehab to recovery, novice to
pro. This is how and why it works for all horses and riders.
The Tao of Horsemanship system teaches all of this and expands to include mindset, meditation, and movement with horses. The results are nothing less than extraordinary, producing deep and lasting relationships, self-regulation, and flow.
Like most classically designed training systems, the Tao’s training system is organized into stages, steps or pillars, of
development. And, like all training systems, each pillar is in order and used as a building block for the next to follow.
The purpose of pillars is many, with the most significant in the ability to guide, support and advance one’s knowledge
and skills. Understanding each pillar and what they are designed to do will help you understand where to begin,
where the middle is and where you will end up.
Because the Tao of Horsemanship’s training system is so comprehensive, it has been broken down into a step-by-step
curriculum called the MasteryMembership Relationship, Ground and Riding Foundation Program (MMP). The MMP is
your roadmap and includes hundreds of video and written lessons designed to show you how to develop the
relationship and ride of your dreams with horses.
In addition to the many levels of education and mastery skills taught within the MMP curriculum, you are provided
many opportunities to connect deeply to your higher self through the wisdom of your horse. This is where the Tao’s
spiritual journey awaits you and your horse.
As the Chinese Proverb says: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This means that no matter
how ambitious your goal is, you must start at the beginning and initiate even the most basic forward action (a single
step) towards your end goal. The training system is designed to do just that and offers you a step-by-step curriculum
to follow so you develop the building blocks needed to create the relationship, ground, and riding foundation.
The following 8 pillars comprise the core training system of the Tao of Horsemanship methodology and are found
within Caroline’s MasteryMembership Relationship, Ground and Riding Foundation Program (MMP).
The MMP is
the only horse-human developmental training system offering a
complete, inclusive, and progressive curriculum
designed to show you how, every step of the way, including problem solving strategies and solutions that are
holistically based thus making them applicable for all horses, no matter what age, experience, level of trauma or
performance goals.
1. Attunement & Presence

Becoming attuned and connected to your horse through sensory awareness, intuition, and energy connection. Tuning
into your senses and tuning into your energy is how we become present. This begins from the inside out and from
within both you and your horse.
When we are present, we can hone into what we feel, thus feel of and for our horse, align our energies, synchronize,
and become one in heart-coherence, thought and movement with our horse.
2. Spirituality – The Path to Conscious Horsemanship

Spirituality is a personal voyage into self-awareness, self-actualization, and oneness with all things. Being spiritual is a
journey into our very essence, our consciousness, and our Being and this is where horses can be our spirit guides. 

Horses are masters at Being and oneness – living harmoniously, peacefully, and attuned.  They have so much to teach
us, if we are willing to sit still, be quiet, listen and learn. The program is designed to assist in this journey.
3. Horse Psychology, Behavior & Holism
98% of unwanted behaviors are learned and a result of a need that isn’t being met. Horses are intelligent, sentient
beings who do not thrive in forceful, controlling, and soul-destroying environments. They need freedom to choose.

Learning your horse’s nature, their individual needs and learned behaviors are key to understanding horses and
meeting them where they need to be met so they feel seen, heard, valued and thrive. This is how you build trust,
connection, conversation, and willing partnership.

Taking a holistic approach to evaluating your horse, teaching, and problem solving is how you meet their needs and
develop healthy, happy and thriving horses.
4. Liberty – Joining in Mind, Body & Heart Connection
Developing liberty with your horse in everything you do is a result of everything working together. The program is
designed to set you both up so everything you and your horse need comes together naturally, effortlessly, and
harmoniously, including your liberty.
Liberty means the freedom to choose. We want our horses to choose us because when they have a choice, you know
they chose to be with us, work with us and keep us safe – it just doesn’t get any better than that.
Caroline’s liberty is an organic, natural process, where you both learn to join in heart/relationship, mind/thought and
body/movement in everything you do together, from guided play to grooming, tacking, and bathing, partner walking,
leading, performance and riding.
5. Groundwork & Shaping Behavior

Taking what you’ve learned thus far and applying it to specific groundwork exercises and techniques designed to
develop good habits, trust, confidence, and deeper partnership with your horse.

Caroline has very specific exercises designed to help your horse (at any age and experience) learn what they need to
become trusting, feel confident and want to participate. Examples include standing still, picking up their hooves for
the farrier, ground tying, cross tying, sending through gates, backing up and away, leadership leading, helping to
halter, load into the trailer. Basically, you and your horse will learn everything you need to be able to do anything
6. Biomechanics & The Art of Lunging – Pilates for Your Horse

Many things happen simultaneously at this level of horse-human development. While you are learning how to
develop your horse’s movement before you ride the movement, you are also learning how to embody energy, and
rhythm so you can train your body to ride the movement. 

While you and your horse’s movement are being developed, so is your connection, communication, energy
alignment, feel, and timing of the aids.

And that’s not all. You are also working on your horse’s emotional agility, and self-regulation of their nervous system.
This is one of the most important aspects to Caroline’s careful and masterful teachings in her art of lunging. This is
where and how she rehabilitates horses, by teaching them how to reset their nervous systems and returns to a state
of being that allows them to live, respond and thrive in their parasympathetic nervous system.
7. Riding as One & Refinement

You and your horse are now ready to take what you’ve learned thus far and apply it to your riding – Riding as One™ in
heart, mind and movement. Before you ride, however, you will ask for permission to get on, mount your horse.

Getting permission is more than 75% of being safe when you ride. This means you will not pull your horse over to the
mounting block, tap them over or mount via the stirrup. It means your horse volunteers to come to you as you step
up and stand quietly for them to wrap around you.

You have everything you need to know and develop with your horse, to get you to this level of consensual
partnership, where your horse wants to connect with you this way and give you their trust, confidence, and presence.
When you are allowed to get on you will work on the pre-flight exercises designed to mentally prepare your horse for
easy connection and communication. This is the next level of safety. If your horse can’t respond to the subtly of your
riding pre-flight exercises, they will not connect mentally when you are riding.

Pre-flight teaches you both how to connect and create a conversation through the subtly of your aids. Your aids are
your intention and power of focus, embodiment of energy and rhythm, feel and contact for suppling, and learning
how to ask your horse vs making them by pulling, force or pain.
Once you have completed the pre-flight exercises Caroline has designed for you and your horse, you will begin
refining your horse’s movement through a series of arena exercises and patterns. Caroline’s training system has been
carefully designed to include only the areas needed to create a horse that is supple, confident, connected, balanced
and safe. Each riding lesson is designed to teach you how to ride the movement bareback, confident, and in balance.
8. Testing the Truth of Your Relationship

The MMP is your roadmap to developing the relationship and ride of your dreams with horses. It is designed so that
as you progress through the courses and lessons, you can review, test, and refine where you are with your horse.

Testing involves getting to the stage where you can ask your horse to do the lessons at liberty, and/or with minimal
aids, and eventually bridle-less. This means you are constantly reviewing, testing, refining as you move through the

When pillars 1-7 are solid, you will have created the foundation in your relationship and partnership that is needed to
ride anywhere bitless and bareback, alone and in groups. You will also be able to easily learn, advance your skills and
embark on new adventures together without getting stuck, or regressing.

And last but not least, foundation means forever. Put in the time, follow the system and you will be able to step
away from your horse for weeks, months and years and pick right back up where you left off when you return.
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